Today, the men and women of Generation Z are attending colleges and universities all over the country. When it’s time to find a place to stay during their time in higher education, does your property have what it takes to win them over?
Here are some things you can do to help make that happen.

Let Gen Z Express Themselves

The generation that will be entering campuses value their individuality. They will gravitate towards a place that resonates with their own style and preferences. While it’s impossible to predict what every single tenant will want in a room, you can at least give them the tools to make it their own.
Think of furniture as building blocks that can help residents create a place that feels like home. Rooms should be furnished with versatile pieces that won’t look out of place even as they decorate their room throughout their stay.
The rigid design of the stereotypical dorm just isn’t going to cut it. Students want the freedom to express themselves in their personal space.

Embrace the Past, Present, and Future

Despite how they grew up around the bleeding edge of technology, Gen Z likes to mix the old with the new. This can be seen in the resurgent popularity of mid-century style furniture that first appeared decades ago. Even something you consider vintage can fit right in. But of course, it should all come together in a way that’s up-to-date and fresh.
With that in mind, don’t be afraid to get creative with the furniture. Sleek and modern pieces can share the same room with something with a warm and rustic style. If nothing else, a place with a unique design can make someone who’s shopping around take a second look.

Show Them You Care About What They Care About

One of the characteristics that define Generation Z is their awareness of environmental issues. Compared to their predecessors, they’re much more involved with topics like climate change and sustainability. This affects their financial decisions as well.
When given a choice between something that shows commitment toward such efforts and something that doesn’t, they’re more likely to align themselves with the former. According to a 2017 study by Cone Communications, “Nearly nine-in-10 (89%) say they would rather buy from a company addressing social or environmental issues over one that is not.”

Let us help you keep up with what the latest generation of students that are looking for in a residence. Dickson Furniture Manufacturers can provide custom furniture solutions that will make even the most discerning resident take notice.

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